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About Quinton

Quinton is a lifetime Natural Pro bodybuilder and started training to help others achieve their ideal physiques. He has over 13 years of experience in weight training and hypertrophy. Quinton has competed and placed 1st in OCB Classic Physique, NPC Classic Physique & Men's Physique.

For years people had been telling me to compete but I never thought I had anything special. In August of 2022, I decided to sign up for my first show. I wanted to prove to people that we can compete and win. You can do this naturally. It may take longer, but in my opinion, it’s so much more rewarding.

It made the last 13 years of training worth it, to stand up there with someone 6’2, 60lbs heavier, and be competitive, all while being 5’6.

Own the height.

It’s not a curse.

It’s a blessing.

So I sculpted the best version of my blessing thru training with symmetry and resolve.